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End Market Development

Comparison of Material Marketing Approaches

The ReMM Group conducted a study comparing the financial impacts of marketing Blue Box materials through a variety of methods in Ontario municipalities.

Plastics Pre-Feasibility Study

The ReMM Group conducted a plastics pre-feasibility study in Quebec. The project helped the client understand the availability of plastic material within the province of Quebec.

Glass Collection Project

The ReMM Group is working with a Canadian municipality on a segregated glass collection project.

Ontario Fibre End Markets

The ReMM Group conducted research into available and future capacity for end markets that can potentially handle Fibre material from Ontario. 

Blog Content and Market Intelligence

The ReMM Group works on an on-going basis with The CIF to provide blog content, market intelligence and subject matter expertise as required based on the current CIF projects.

Alternative Glass Innovation Projects

The ReMM Group researched current glass innovation projects being undertaken by Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ) in Quebec.  

Alternative Fuels Study

The ReMM Group identified and surveyed end markets within North America for alternative fuels that could be used in a cement kiln.  A formal summary report was provided along with detailed listings of industry available feedstock.

Material Specific Recyclability Report

The ReMM Group provided a detailed history on a specific packaging material and its recyclability along the end-of-life packaging value chain. This report included references to many other industry reports and studies over the past ten years.  This was an internal report and not posted for public use.

Glass Diversion Fund

The ReMM Group was retained to develop end markets for mixed broken glass from curbside programs. To date, four projects have been funded and alternative end markets for glass are being developed.

Markets Help Desk

The ReMM Group developed a marketing 'help-desk' to assist municipalities in maximizing revenue from the sale of materials collected in their curbside recycling program

Plastics Market Study

The ReMM Group identified and surveyed domestic and international end markets for plastic grades including film, tubs and lids and mixed plastic, which are considered more difficult to market.

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217 Terrace Hill St., Unit B10
Brantford, N3R 1G8,

Ontario, Canada


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